Human Rights Policy
Human Rights Policy
FirstService recognizes the dignity and worth of all employees, and encourages them to reach their full potential by providing equal opportunities to all.
FirstService Corporation's Human Rights Policy is adapted from the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Children's Rights and Business Principles by UNICEF, the UN Global Compact and Save the Children, and applicable North American and local regulations.
This Human Rights Policy applies to FirstService Corporation and the entities that it owns and controls (collectively, "FirstService"). FirstService is committed to working with and encouraging its stakeholders, including its franchisees and suppliers, to uphold and adopt the principles in this policy.
FirstService is committed to human rights in the workplace. This commitment includes respecting the dignity and worth of all employees, encouraging all employees to reach their full potential and providing equal opportunity to all employees. Employees are entitled to receive equal pay for equal work. In addition, FirstService:
- Recognizes its responsibilities with regards to workplace health and safety, and employee privacy. We are committed to maintaining a productive workplace by minimizing the risk of accidents, injury and exposure to health risks;
- Prohibits the use of all forms of forced labour;
- Is committed to treat our employees with respect and fairness. The processes of recruitment, developing, compensating and promoting shall be done with integrity and fairness;
- Does not tolerate any form of harassment or discrimination; and
- Works to ensure compliance with all applicable labour and employment laws, including those regulating wages, hours, overtime and benefits.
FirstService is committed to a diverse workplace. Our teams are composed of individuals from different geographies, cultures, ethnicities, religions, races, sexual orientations, abilities and ages. We are committed to fostering diversity, inclusion and engagement across all aspects of our businesses. We are committed to integrity and operating at the highest ethical standards.
Our Ethics Hotline Policy stipulates that employees who report unethical practices are protected. Any violation of this Human Rights Policy should be reported using FirstService's ethics hotline, FirstLine. All reports to FirstService's ethics hotline are reported to the Audit Committee of FirstService, and are subject to appropriate investigation and are brought to full closure using systematic processes and tracking systems.
At FirstService, our Compliance and Risk Management team, which reports to the Audit Committee, is responsible for reviewing the overall implementation of risk management across FirstService to ensure that key risks, including human rights risks, are identified and effectively managed. Management at each of the subsidiaries monitors day-to-day operations against identified risks and their applicable mitigation.
Adopted February 2024